I decided that since I am going to be posting regularly, and am developing a suite of steampunk sites plus a novel, it would be a good idea to join a web ring! There are several very interesting sites in this ring: Legend Steampunk Web Ring:
Legend examines all the finer points of the 1985 tTom Cruise movie Legend, in great detail. It's the first site in the ring, and very wel done.
Steampunk central examines all kinds of steampunk inspired movies and TV shows, including Legend. I will be keeping an eye on Warehouse 13 on this blog myself.
The Victorian Valkyries Homepage is home for societies concerning the secret adventures of Jules Verne Series and other cool information, member boards, and a very nice layout
Fell From Grace Emporium and Imaginorium has an amazing collection of steampunk themed clip art,steampunk inspired jewelry, and an emporium with the work of other steampunkers.
Clockwork and Corsetry covers steampunk inspired knitting, crochet, sewing, crafts and tinkering.
Stumptown Trade Review: comic stories, information and history, as well as a graphic online novel by the author--Paris 20th century. Way cool site!
Mateen's 3-D Graphics features not only steampunk graphics but also sci-fi, trekkers, and a ton of other really cool works of graphic art.
I really enjoyed browsing the entire ring, and would highly reccommend that others do the same. There is an amazing amount of information there!
Also, if you are looking for a great site to get your blogs and other sites indexed, you might try
They have great stats, and some simple tools as well
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